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  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Tue, 10 May 2022
  • admin

How to Cure PCOS Permanently?

PCOS is a common health problem nowadays that affects teen girls and young women. It is related to an imbalance in a woman's hormones. PCOS affects a woman's ovaries, which produce estrogens and progesterone hormones that regulate the menstrual periods. But the ovaries also produce androgens (male hormones) in small amounts. Women with PCOS produce higher than normal levels of androgens. This hormone imbalance causes irregular or skipping of the menstrual cycle and may lead to infertility in women. It also causes excessive hair growth on the face and body, and baldness and also causes health problems like diabetes and heart diseases. 


 Several Ayurvedic remedies are effective in treating PCOS, such as detoxification, diet modification, and lifestyle modification. 


PCOS treatment involves a combination of several herbs for strengthening one's reproductive system, controlling insulin resistance, and maintaining a balanced level of hormones. Moreover, these herbs have no side effects. Some of these herbs are listed below:-


  1.  SHATAVARI: It is a rich source of a variety of vitamins, minerals, and iron. It is also an antioxidant and can improve insulin sensitivity in females.


  1. ASHOKA: It contains an anti-inflammatory compound and aids in repairing the endometrium by reducing inflammation. It also regulates estrogen levels.


  1.  LODHRA: It is rich in flavonol glycosides which reduce uterine disorders, regulate uterine hormones, and improve fertility.


  1. CINNAMON: It helps in regulating blood sugar levels, improves insulin levels, and boosts fertility.


  1. VIBHITAKI: It benefits PCOS patients by improving blood sugar metabolism. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.


  1.  ASHWAGANDHA: It not only helps with PCOS but also reduces anxiety and depression, and also treats obesity.


Practicing YOGA and MEDITATION for 30 to 45 minutes daily also aids in the management of PCOS.

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